Greece Family Reunification

Greece Family Reunification

Greece Family Reunification

A family reunification visa is an important step for people who want to join their family members living in Greece. This visa allows family members to come together and live together in Greece.

The application process for a family reunification visa varies depending on the status of the family member residing in Greece. Applications can be made for family members of a Greek citizen or a person with a long-term residence permit. During the application, a valid passport, completed visa application form, documents proving family ties such as marriage or birth certificates, and documents showing financial status are required. Additionally, a letter of support and residence permit from the family member living in Greece must also be submitted.

Family reunification visa is an important type of visa that protects the right of families to live together. This process can often be detailed and complex, so it may be beneficial to seek professional help during the application process. Ensuring that all documents are accurate and up to date will ensure the success of your application.